Help us save an endangered species

“Free the monkeys” aims to reactivating amaZOOnico’s spider monkey release program, saving an endangered species and contributing to the conservation of the Amazon Rainforest.

At amaZOOnico we rehabilitate Illegally trafficked animals

We take in wild animals who were victims of illegal trafficking, rehabilitate them and reintroduce them back into their natural habitats.
We take care of those who cannot be released, and carry out environmental education activities with visitors.

About Our Campaign

Free the monkeys

To conserve an endangered species, we would like to reactivate the spider monkey release program of amaZOOnico. We aim to raise enough capital to get the program running for one year. Our campaign ran 8 weeks and we unfortunately did not hit our goal yet. We did not give up, but we need your support to reach our goal.

to raise

Weeks In Total

monkeys to be released in 1 year

Help Us Now

Donate To Free the monkeys

Donate now via GivenGain

Help us to reach our goal of collecting 30,000 USD and contribute to saving an endangered species.

Raised: $6820
Goal: $30 000

The people behind the campaign

We are current and former volunteers from amaZOOnico, and we know about the severity of the illegal animal trafficking. We want to further support the rescue center amaZOOnico by raising enough capital to finance the spider monkey release program for one year.


Our People Say

Founder amaZOOnico

“Spider monkeys as well as all wild animals should be in nature. Spider monkeys are in particular important for the biodiversity, since they are seed dispersers. 30-40 years ago before deforestation, they used to roam free. But now sadly, the spider monkey that lives in our forest is at risk of extinction. That is why this campaign and project is so important. We want to put them back were they belong.”

Vet at amaZOOnico

“I am a wildlife veterinarian because I am passionate about nature. With a diverse team of passionate people we work on the care and rehabilitation of animals that are victims of wildlife trafficking and illegal possession. The spider monkey is a very important species in the wild and achieving an effective reintroduction to the rainforest is crucial for its conservation.”

Forest guard amaZOOnico

“The hard work really pays off. The spider monkeys are prepared to live in the wild. It is a beautiful thing to see them out in their natural habitat.”

Dr. Scott Ford
Head of Research at amaZOOnico

“All life on our planet, including human, is connected through complex and delicate processes, and by any measure, the Amazon Rainforest should be considered the world capital of life. If you care about life you must care about the Amazon.”

Dr. Sam Shanee

“When I was starting out in conservation nearly 20 years ago, amaZOOnico was one of the first places I worked, then just as now they provide help for endangered species, giving homes and a chance to monkeys rescued from the illegal pet trade. To see these animals living happy and free again is priceless, and helps maintain the forests and ecosystems of the Amazon, which we all depend on for survival”

Lea Schlunegger
President of Padrinos del amaZOOnico

“I have known amaZOOnico for ten years now and I am still fascinated by it. A community of locals and people from different countries have created a place where everyone meets with respect, curiosity and love. Where people learn from each other and develop. It is a place where you can feel how nature breathes, how the animals crawl, swim and jump, and how the plants grow. A place where the sky seems to crash above you and where the sun makes the earth steam”

Dr. Sara Alvarez
Project director, Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam
Vicepresident of the study group of Primates of Ecuador

“The Rehabilitation and Release project for spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth) in Ecuador was a challenge from the beginning, these are very complicated processes that we start from scratch and failure is a possibility. My love for animals and for conservation has made me continue in this fight for the knowledge that helps us solve these problems and maintain the hope that one day we will be able to compensate for the damage that human beings have done. Every action counts and we must try.”


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